Monday, October 6, 2008


This picture was taken by photographer Petr Josek last year.  It shows the terrain here: agricultural farmlands along the Euphrates, perforated by canals.  This can be a challenge on foot with an increasing equipment load.

Many men in the Task Force have started doing workouts from  Already this website has received a steady following of soldiers and police.  Detractors say it causes Rhabdo.  When SSG Smith and I did the Hero workout named "The Murph,"56 minutes of suffering ensued.

Today we packed our gym--a sure sign that things are winding down.  Often the gym is the inner sanctum of a patrol base.  In Yusufiya the walls are lined with American flags, pictures of Governor Schwarzenegger, and the names of countries the U.S. Army has occupied.  In 1901 we took Peking.  I guess we gave it back.